
Lunacy meaning
Lunacy meaning

lunacy meaning

  • ‘I always thought it was sheer lunacy, but have recently been beginning to question that assumption.’.
  • ‘The present situation is one of sheer greed and lunacy.’.
  • ‘Thus, while we casually mock the lunacies of the past, some people, notably mainstream journalists, nod soberly at the lunacies of the present.’.
  • ‘Unfortunately, the play was ‘a crude attempt to satirize the lunacies of Hollywood’ and lasted fewer than fifty performances.’.
  • ‘This little masterpiece has its lunacies (why is it necessary for the memories to be restaged and turned into film clips?) and its limitations.’.
  • ‘Even those who never believed that the lunacies of the seventies and early eighties had been entirely eradicated - evidence to the contrary has been accumulating for several years - did not predict the recent chain reaction of violence.’.
  • ‘Writing from the perspective of an intelligent though lonely and bewildered child, he uses incisive humour to expose the lunacies, vagaries and hypocrisies of traditional and alternative belief systems.’.
  • ‘As with the fool in King Lear, there is wisdom in his lunacy.’.
  • ‘That laugh, that insane laugh, that maniacal smirk as the madwoman's yellow eyes glinted with lunacy.’.
  • ‘Or maybe he would prefer something along the lines of suicidal confessions of a mind bordering on death and raving lunacy.’.
  • ‘He never exhibited any symptoms of lunacy that I could detect.’.
  • ‘What must have contributed to their sudden lunacy?’.
  • ‘The sanest men have certain moments of unexplained lunacy.’.
  • lunacy meaning

    ‘Yes, I was on the verge of lunacy, but it was only temporary.’.

    lunacy meaning

    ‘Indeed, due to her ellipsis, instead of remarking on Lisa's masochistic lunacy, we see her faith justified, because this is her proof of her love.’.‘She rises like the proverbial phoenix from the ashes of her lunacy to become the first woman psychoanalyst in Switzerland.’.‘For one whose obsession has been certifiable by the commissioners of lunacy, here surely instead was proof of pure sanity.’.‘If by this point you are not already delirious, fear not, even more jolly japes and lunacy are to follow.’.‘I prize my mental instability and nurture the lunacy which manifests itself within my cranium.’.‘This goes beyond mere bullying and descends into paranoid - and hypocritical - lunacy.’.‘It does not supply the answer in the situation of an infant, a person under lunacy or overseas.’.‘Either he wanted to make me delirious with jealousy over her vile decadence or simply get my certified opinion concerning her degree of lunacy.’.

    Lunacy meaning