
Imperial glory novel
Imperial glory novel

I could go one for another page about all the missed opportunities I kept hoping for. Honestly, throughout this entire book, I just kept thinking "who is that and why do I care." I don't mind telling you, I didn't care. And even when they die there is another convenient name who just fills the pages with their pointless drivel. They are now dead." The Publishers Summary claims that this book "breaths life and humility" into the bluebloods but the good guy stay good, the arrogant ones stay arrogant, and the staby ones are still staby at the end. I feel like an honest third of this book follows this format: "Here is Sargent/lieutenant/private/captain _.

imperial glory novel

Throughout this entire novel, the reader is introduced to characters. Story: Who cares about a narrative if everyone dies at the end of every act. Give me some of that David Seddon? or John Banks? Wincott just sounds too smarmy for my taste. Perhaps this is my own headcanon for 40k but I just don't feel like the Night Lords and the Volpone should sound any kind of similar. While some have said they like the sardonic tone, I find it out of place. His performance in the Night Lords books is his best. Performance: Andrew Wincott is not my favorite narrator. Give me one reason why the Volpone couldn't just have all died and then been replaced by literally anyone else. Isn't that the point of 40k? At least with Gaunt there are recognizable characters who a) cannot be replaced and b) develop as characters. After following the Volpone for fifteen hours I kept thinking to myself, "who cares?" Who cares if these people win or lose or die or get eaten by demons. At least when you are going on a romp with a squad or chapter of Space Bros you can believe that there are stakes. > Light Spoilers < < Overall: Having read hundreds of 40k books, this one stands out as somehow worse than the typical bolter porn. I don't often review books on Audible but every time I see this title in my library I am filled with loathing. I will garentee you this will NOT be the best audio book you'll hear this year, Such a shame. If you have spare credits and you are an avid 40k fan consider it. With little or no humour included in this marathon ordeal, I can safely say nothing grabbed me. Whilst this story was unfolding, it felt like something more important, more interesting was happning elsewhere in this timeline. What's the reason the characters are on this planet? To beat Chaos, that's it. I just felt like I was being dragged from location-to-location, event-to-event & chapter-to-chapter. The issue was, all of the guards in this regiment (including the low-key privates) are blue blood nobles? So this really did not make sense! Nothing broke up the story. So the author really hit the nail on the head with that. As per usual, most "higher ups" in the Imperial guard chain of command, tend to be useless, unlikable, selfish career driven, tosspots who dream up evermore imaginative ways of getting the grunts killed. I could not relate to the people in the plot.Other than taking an instant dislike to the main characters. From the get go, that disposition did not work for me. It's a very long story.Too long.You have a "upper class" Imperial guard regiment. (I edited this review after listening to it twice, I wanted to be fair and try and give it the benefit of the doubt. Written by Nick Kyme, narrated by Andrew Wincott. Through glory and honour, the Volpone are desperate to prevail, but can they endure the rigours of the bloodiest campaign in their vaunted history and come out the other side intact? But the propaganda of war is a fickle beast, and the Archenemy are cultivating a plot the Imperium can scarcely fathom. After a punishing setback threatens to derail the campaign, an unlikely champion rises through the ranks and victory once again seems possible. Tasked with the liberation of the Agria island chain from the entrenched Blood Pact, the haughty soldiers of the Volpone find their mettle sorely tested in a brutal meat grinder. The story: as war rages across the Sabbat Worlds, the Volpone Bluebloods are sent to Gnostes at the head of a massive Imperial host.

imperial glory novel

Nick Kyme breathes life and humility into the members of this otherwise supercilious regiment as they battle against impossible odds. Their ranks are filled with proud and arrogant soldiers who come from the noble families of Volpone, earning them the name 'Bluebloods' among the Astra Militarum. Volpone Glory covers the exploits of the soldiers of the 50th Volpone of the Royal Volpone Regiment. We will make our own history, and all other accounts be damned.

Imperial glory novel